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Rewind is available in three different editions, which differ only in the number of channels they can process:

Production128 (wow!)Yes

To protect your investment, guard against intellectual property theft, and safeguard our R&D for the future, we use the iLok dongle system to license Rewind. You will need an iLok 2 or iLok 3 to run Rewind.

We chose iLok because we know many engineers will have one already, but if you don't, they can be obtained cheaply from your favourite rainforest-related eCommerce provider, or alternatively Fourier Audio can provide pre-licensed dongles ready for use.

The first time you start Fourier Rewind, you'll be prompted to insert your iLok and enter your activation code to obtain your licence. After that, you should never need to think about it ever again; the licence simply lives on your iLok.

All three editions run via the same Rewind application; if you find you need more channels, simply upgrade your licence - mid-gig if necessary! Upgrade pricing is available.