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Version: 1.3.0


Once I have bought the transform.suite, how do I activate it?

Download the transform.suite ’25 collection file (download here) and upload it to your transform.engine using the transform.client. See our quick-start guide for more information!

How many transform.engines can use a single transform.suite licence?

A transform.suite licence can be activated on one transform.engine at a time: but you can move transform.suite licences between engines any time via our online platform.

Can I move transform.suite activations between transform.engines?

Yes! You are able to simply transfer your licences between transform.engines using our online platform.

Can I still install other plugins on top of the transform.suite?

Yes! You can do this as you normally would on the transform.engine.

Can I use transform.suite on another platform?

transform.suite ’25 is exclusive for transform.engine and cannot be transferred onto any other device or computer.

Do I need the internet to install transform.suite?

The computer running transform.client needs a low-bandwidth internet connection to activate your transform.suite licence. An internet connection is not required to download or install transform.suite: you can download the collection file at any time (download here), and store that offline, ready for when you need it. The transform.engine remains offline at all times; only the computer running transform.client requires internet access.

Where can I go if I still have questions?

Reach out to us on [email protected].