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Version: 1.3.0

OLED Display

The handy OLED display on the front informs you of the system status of the unit as well as letting you perform basic configuration of the device.

Status Display

  • Cable connections: pri, sec, ctl and psu inform you with a handy tick or cross whether a connection is detected on the corresponding that port.
  • System monitor: if one of the Primary, Secondary or Control networks are connected with a link present, this will display a large OK for easier visibility. On the flip side, if none are connected, you'll be presented with the error message err!.

When the transform.engine boots it will display err! while it loads. This is expected behaviour. Once it says OK you'll be good to go.

If you push the rotary knob on the front once, you'll enter the transform menu. The options are:

IP Configuration

This menu lets you configure the IP address for each network interface.

Mode: Each interface can have its IP address configured differently:

  • Static: Manually configured by you!
  • DHCP: Receives an IP address from a DHCP server on your network.
  • Link Local: Automatically configures IP address in the 169.254/16 subnet (or the 172.31/16 subnet for the Dante Secondary port).
  • Unconfigured: When no IP address is needed.

IP: In Static addressing mode, the IP address you would like the device to use.

Subnet Prefix: In Static addressing mode, the subnet you would like the device to be on. Common values are /24 (equivalent to a mask of or /16 (equivalent to a mask of

Version Info

What version of the transform.engine software this hardware is running.

Serial Number

A magic code you can use to obtain drinks tokens at any Fourier Audio event. Only joking.


Restart Machine: For when you've had enough. As it suggests, when confirmed, this will restart your transform.engine.

We apologise if you have found an error and needed to restart; if you have the time, please send an email to [email protected]. We would love to avoid this happening again!