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Version: 1.3.0


In the MIDI IO tab of the System Pane, you are able to configure the global MIDI configuration for the transform.engine.


The global-MIDI configuration uses more-complex NRPN messages to allow full flexibility. If you just want to control a few Cues in a single Cuelist, or want to use different MIDI channels for each Cuelist, consider using the per-Cuelist MIDI personalities instead.

Cuelist MIDI Configuration

Various features of transform.engine can be controlled via the MIDI NRPN Controllers. If your MIDI transmitter has native support for sending NRPN data, you should use that, as it will make your life easier.

The transform.engine currently supports NRPN MIDI messages to allow the triggering of any cue.

To enable MIDI NRPN control, select the "Enable" button, or select a desired MIDI channel.


Ensure that you have connected your MIDI cable to the OUT port of your console/MIDI device, and the IN port of the transform.engine.

NRPN Parameter Map

NRPN Parameters are as follows:

Parameter #NameData TypeNotes
1Selected Cuelist14-bit integer (MSB + LSB)This parameter allows you to select a target Cuelist for other operations to be carried out via MIDI. Changing this parameter will clear parameters 2 and 3.
2Selected Cue Number14-bit integer (MSB + LSB)This parameter allows you to select a target Cue for other operations to be carried out via MIDI. Changing this parameter will reset parameter 3 to value 0.
3Selected Cue Number Decimal14-bit integer (MSB + LSB)This parameter allows you to specify a decimal component of a Cue Number when selecting a target Cue for other operations to be carried out via MIDI.
4Fire Selected CueBoolean (selected if MSB + LSB value > 63)When set to > 63 this parameter fires the currently selected Cue for the currently selected Cuelist and then clears the selection.

Example: Firing a Cue (QL42 Q100) by NRPN

MIDI ActionDescription
Set NRPN 1 = 42Select Cuelist 42
Set NRPN 2 = 100Select Cue 100
Set NRPN 4 = 127Fire Selected Cue

Example: Firing a Cue (QL42 Q300.3) by NRPN

MIDI ActionDescription
Set NRPN 1 = 42Select Cuelist 42
Set NRPN 2 = 300Select Cue 300
Set NRPN 3 = 3Select Cue Decimal 3
Set NRPN 4 = 127Fire Selected Cue

Example: Firing a Cue (QL42 Q100) via low-level Control Change (CC) messages

In this example, we achieve the exact same outcome as the first example, but this time manually setting the NRPN values via the appropriate Control Change (CC) messages. You could do this if you are using a MIDI device which does not support NRPN messages natively, but it is slightly tedious. Consider using per-Cuelist personalities instead.

MIDI ActionDescription
CC 98 = 1Select NRPN 1 [Selected Cuelist]
CC 38 = 42NRPN Data Entry 42
CC 98 = 2Select NRPN 2 [Selected Cue Number]
CC 38 = 100NRPN Data Entry 100
CC 98 = 4Select NRPN 4 [Fire Selected Cue]
CC 38 = 127NRPN Data Entry 127