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Version: 1.3.0

Cuelist MIDI

You can assign a MIDI Channel to control a specific Cuelist using the detail pane for the relevant Cuelist.

Cuelist MIDI Configuration


Ensure that you have connected your MIDI cable to the OUT port of your console/MIDI device, and the IN port of the transform.engine.

Cuelist MIDI Personalities

Each Cuelist can have its own MIDI channel and personality assigned. The personality defines what kind of MIDI messages the Cuelist will respond to.


Due to the limitations of MIDI, the range of Cues that can be fired via these simplified MIDI personalities is limited. For full, unrestricted control, use the more complex NRPN Engine MIDI personality instead of the per-Cuelist personalities.

Program Change

MIDI Message TypeChannel Voice: Program Change
MappingProgram Change X fires Cue X + 1 (e.g. to fire Cue 1, send Program Change value 0)
Fires whole-number Cues✅ 1-128
Fires point Cues
NotesBank Select messages are currently disregarded

This personality is useful for firing Cues from SSL, Avid, Midas, and Yamaha consoles.


MIDI Message TypeChannel Voice: Note On
MappingNote X, Velocity Y fires Cue X.Y (see example below)
Fires whole-number Cues✅ 0-127
Fires point Cues✅ 1-99

This personality is useful for firing Cues from almost any other device.

For example:

Note NumberVelocityFires...
10Cue 1
110Cue 1.1
101Cue 1.01
199Cue 1.99


DiGiCo consoles can output default MIDI Control Change messages when recalling a snapshot. This personality responds to those default messages, recalling the Cue with the same index in the snapshot list.

MIDI Message TypeChannel Voice: Control Change
MappingControllers 16-19 recall Cues 1-510 (Controllers 16-18: values 0-127, Controller 19: values 0-125)
Fires whole-number Cues✅ 1-510
Fires point Cues

For example:

Controller NumberControl Change ValueFires...
160Cue 1
16127Cue 128
170Cue 129
17127Cue 256
180Cue 257
18127Cue 384
190Cue 385
19125Cue 510

When connected to a DiGiCo console using this personality, you will most likely need to select MIDI channel 16. Please refer to the console UI or manual for further details.